Sunday, August 25, 2013

cream de la whipped.

This morning when I got out of bed, I felt like I had been hit by a mack truck.
Yesterday, Gaye watched Brennan for the day at our house while we did a big spring clean.
I cleaned out the guest room closet, our closets, Brennan's closet and the laundry room. Jared cleaned out the office, garage and mowed all of the lawns. Even with all of that I think I was most productive at sneezing. I must have sneezed 5011 (read fiftyleven) times.

Jared played with Brennan while I tried to get ready for church around 7 a.m. After a shower, I knew it wasn't happening. I laid back down and woke up at 9!

In that time, my amazing husband had fed Brennan breakfast, reviewed his class, gotten ready for church and was in the process of dressing Brennan when I got up. As much as I knew I could lay in bed, I knew i had two choices. Feel bad laying in bed or feel bad but be able to attend worship. I knew for a fact it wasn't something catching so I got myself ready and we went to church.

I hadn't had time to prepare lunch beforehand (can't do that in my sleep) so we had toasted panini sandwiches for lunch. Brennan and I laid down and slept for 2 hours. When he woke up, Jared came and got him and I told him that i would be in there in 5 minutes.

An hour and a half later, I woke up. That's only because Jared came in to check on me.
He helped me cook breakfast for dinner and boy was it good!

Bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes with jam and whipped cream (which I whipped myself from cream because coolwhip doesn't exist here). Jared and his lovely mom cleaned the entire kitchen while I got snuggle with Brennan.
Here is a picture of him keeping me company and about to fall asleep. About 5 seconds after this he was out. 
Well, he was out until I rolled over on his leap frog dog and it started singing 'Me and my friends!'

The house is not in it's usual condition and Jared's clothes aren't ironed for tomorrow but after some much needed rest, I actually feel really good. My husband is amazing and takes care of me so well! I am going to get to sleep before 10:30 so that I might have a chance at 8 hours. Goodnight!

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