Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Brennan and I haven't been sleeping extremely well for the past few days. We both have a cough and ear aches. We took him to the doctor on Sunday and so he is working through it the best he can. He actually doesn't wake at night, it is just harder for him to breathe and he coughs quite a bit. You can imagine when he coughs, I wake up to make sure he is okay.

Last night, I woke up every hour.

This morning, it makes sense that I was tired.

It wasn't just Brennan though, I dreamed about Planet of the Apes, snowmen and Horizons bible camp. I have no idea where any of these ideas came from but I felt like I could not turn off my brain.

Today I was in a sort of rough mood. Shorter temper than other days. I spent part of the morning outside

and part of the morning cleaning. Then, we had an appointment with Brennan's PAFT instructor in the afternoon. Brennan had a nap and woke while she was here. After our meeting, we went to the grocery store. We usually do that in the morning but our timing was a bit off.

Brennan was not happy to be in the grocery store. He didn't cry or scream, he just growled a lot. haha. I hurried through and got home. He fell asleep in the car so I laid him down again. I didn't think he slept long enough in the first place. Without a solid sleep last night, I knew he would need more today.

I say all that to say this...

All day, I had felt a little overwhelmed for no apparent reason.
My short fuse was being felt by Brennan, I am sure. Even though I didn't get mad at him or anything, he senses tension easily.
I could not figure out what was wrong, other than being tired.

I walked in the office to print something and got my answer.
Sitting on the table and staring at me from last night was my Bible.
I had forgotten to study!!!
I normally study while  eat breakfast but I was feeding Brennan as I was eating this morning.

I knew something was off with me.
A few months ago, I literally could have gone months without opening my Bible outside of services. It was good to know that not studying could effect my mood so heavily. I say 'good' because I could do something about it!

Brennan was asleep, so I sat down and studied for a while.
I had groceries that needed to be put away and dinner that needed to be cooked.
More than any of that, I needed to hang out with God for a little bit.

You know what?
That little amount of time I spent with God, completely reset my attitude.
I was back on top by the time Jared got home and we had a good meal and fun family time.

If there are days where you can't figure out what is bothering you, take it to God and He will provide the reset you need!

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