Saturday, July 27, 2013


This is my sleepy, sleepy boy. He has every right to be sleepy. We haven't stopped all day long!
This morning around 9, I began baking brownies. We were taking lunch to a couple that moved into a new house as they unpacked. We weren't able to actually help them move, so adding brownies to their homemade sandwiches was the next best thing I guess!

Jared went to pick up one of our youth group kids and take care of the lawns at the church building.

Around 10, one of Brennan's friends came over to play while his older siblings went to a pool party. I had a lot of fun and it was good to see what it could be like with two kids! (not an announcement by the way). Brennan played really hard and when it was time to take a nap, he was too excited that his friend was there. Jared came in after an hour and a half so I handed Brennan off to be put to bed. I am so thankful that my amazing husband helps me out like that. Him taking Brennan allowed me to fix lunch for the two visiting kids and get the sandwiches ready for Jared to take at 12.

Brennan is officially getting his first tooth!! He slept from 12 to 2 and then fell asleep again from 4 to 7! He fell asleep for the night with no problem and I am hoping he sleeps through. He doesn't lie for you to look at it, but I catch a glimpse every now and then. I am proud for him but sad too as it means he is growing up!

We skyped with Grammie J and Saba to show them his new moves and to see some new clothes that they bought for him! I spent the rest of the night organizing my Bible class materials and sorting through all of Brennan's clothes to put away clothes that don't fit anymore.

Jared took a run. mowed the lawns, made an amazing pavlova and went to his men's study group tonight. He felt very accomplished in that and all of the other little things he got done today. I am about to fall into bed because after the day we had, plus bathing baby and preparing for services in the morning...I am feeling that good kind of exhaustion!

update: my flashlight I bought yesterday...doesn't work anymore. well played blinky lady...well played.

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