Friday, July 5, 2013


Well for the technical fourth of July we did it up right!
Red, white and Blue...
Steaks and S'mores...
It's been a great one.

Brennan started out this morning with his Dad's American Boy tee shirt and it stayed clean all the way until supper! We had a little photo shoot in the garden.
 should i hold it in my mouth like a rose?

We had youth group tonight. They were to come dressed or adorned in red, white and blue. We were having s'mores (cooked in the microwave.) It was a blast.
 Ben and his facepaint!
 Chloe's fingernails!
Kris with the prize of money bank globe that he won for best red, white and blue!
I tried to get this to rotate but no luck. These are HUGE marshmallows. The only American marshmallows to be found and believe me there is a difference. Wanna guess how much?
YES. I paid fourteen dollars for marshmallows so that I could channel the fourth of July fun.
I am officially in need of an marshmallow intervention.

nice s'more ya got there.

Funny thing was...when you put them in the microwave they DO melt but they ALSO...
get insanely bigger!!!

Today the sun shined long enough for me to get TWO loads of laundry washed and dried! It has been a really good day. Lots of playing with my boy and enjoying CatchPhrase and fellowship with my church family.

Speaking of my boy...
he is sleeping in his crib...
in his own room.

It was just so warm in there, I couldn't justify shocking him with the cold to bring him in with us.
As soon as he cries though...he'll be my snuggle buddy!

and no...
I did not leave him lying on his face.

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