Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday Funday!

 Today we knew we were taking Grandma to the eye doctor and having Jared's boss and his wife over for dinner. We didn't know such a seemingly simple day would be so much fun!
waking up in his big boy room and ready for the day!

This morning, we played and ate breakfast. His ended up all over his face!

 I'm sorry...but he has to be one of the cutest kids ever.

Grandma's friend Karen dropped her off at our house and after a quick sandwich and some cuddle time...we headed to the eye doctor.

Brennan and I ran some errands (buying a new computer charger...yay!) and then we waited for her to finish her appointment.

 When we took Grandma home, Robert had put the cows in the field closest to their house. They were very interested in the car. Brennan would have been interested in them too, but he was asleep.
What the picture doesn't (and can't) show is that they had run to us from the other side of the field as soon as we pulled up.

We came home and in a whirlwind finished cleaning and began dinner.
I made a blueberry coffee cake that was a first time recipe. It was definitely a winner.
For dinner we had: barbecue chicken, green beans, corn, salad and some bread.
The wine glasses weren't for wine. They are just our fancy glasses that we earned with points from our local grocery store. haha.
Before dinner, the boys played trains with the train set our friends got Brennan for Christmas.

After Brennan went to bed, we finished our evening laughing and talking with two great people. They have done so much for us and we thank God for them always!

Like I said, it was a simple day but it was really enjoyable.
and Mya...if you are reading this--there is blueberry coffee cake headed your way in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. Gary would be sooo jealous of that train set. He LOVED trains as a kid and think he might try to get Wren into them so he can buy something like this and play with it himself :). Next time we are visiting we will definitely have to pull it out!
