Monday, July 29, 2013

sunshine in my soul!

Ahhhhh...the sun.
dear friend, I have missed you.
thanks for giving us a taste of spring today!

We broke the dawn with a morning walk. I'm changing it up a bit and making sure we get our walk done in the mornings because it kept getting pushed later and later. In the summer, that is fine because it stays light until almost 10 pm but only until 5 or so in the winter. We went a different route this morning and I must have hit rush hour! There were cars everywhere! Cars aren't really a problem for me but in a city where a lot of people walk, there was rush hour on the sidewalks! What I like bout Palmy is that there are very few people who won't say hello or wave as they pass. Reminds me of walking through the Commons at Freed (pre-everyone has an ipod in their ear).

This morning, we were almost run down by a blonde-headed girl racing her scooter to school. She flew past in her tartan skirt and blue sweater, pigtails waving in the wind. It is neat to see all of the little kids and even teenagers in their uniforms. You can usually tell where they go to school based on that. Sometimes I feel sorry for the kids that I see walking to school in uniform and know their school is all the way across town.

Because of the sunshiny weather today, I immediately stripped the beds of their sheets and washed them. Along with the sheets, went every stitch of clothing that even looked at me funny. I cleaned out the garage and swept all the porches. We have a old potting shed addition to our workshop with a sink and shelves and a counter. I straightened that up but it was too much to clean it out completely and so I will save that for another day.

While I was hanging laundry, my 'helper' played on the rocks and with the grass.

I specifically did not remove that pacifier as anything in the hand, would have gone in the mouth immediately!
Thank you Lord for sunshiny days!

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