Saturday, July 13, 2013

mark up charger is still not fixed but i am not prepared to spend $120. When it comes down to it, I will save up for it because all my pictures of my boys are on that computer that is dead as a door nail. I was running fine, but the battery just died.

Today (in America) is my baptism birthday!!
Best decision I ever made.

I was at Horizons and was baptized in Bader pool. They recently tore that ole gym down. Good memories.

It has been a rainy and freezing cold day today. After church, we took Grandma home and went back to the church to pick up Jared from his men's meeting. We had to wait a little bit so Brennan practiced his driving skills.
He got sad that I wouldn't let him honk the horn continuously and I caught a rare moment of sadness from my buddy. Most people have never seen this face.

heart breaking. :(

I found a photo today of him on one of his first few Sundays. He has grown SO much! His baldness cracks me up.

I figured that to celebrate my baptism birthday, I would spend some time reflecting on my life and my spiritual goals. I really am still doing this SO in the meantime...I got a pedicure. :)

Jared decided to watch Brennan for a few hours while I had some time to focus. Those bubbling tubs help you focus ya know. While I was drying my toes, they were closing up the shop. All of a sudden, I hear one of the ladies yell in Vietnamese and look to see the entire floor flooded by the tub of the chair I was sitting in previously. I didn't do it I promise!

Before my pedicure, I went to a new stall in the food court called 'United Sweets'. Basically, it has tons of American and British candy that you normally can't get here. Next time you get angry over prices of candy at halloween....

 that's right. $14.90 for a small bag of Reese's miniatures. every. day.

 $8.90 for a bag of pretzels. they must have gold dust instead of salt.

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