Monday, July 8, 2013

my sneaky little spook

Today was a pretty straightforward day. A little shopping through a gazillion Hot Wheels for my brother and not finding anything of interest was the beginning. After we came home and I laid Brennan down for a nap, I went to work organizing the office so we can get the ottoman/bed moved in there for guests. I had the baby monitor on and about 10 minutes after laying him down, I heard his door open!
I knew I was alone in the house but was kind of freaked out because his door must have opened by itself or something. I don't believe in ghosts...but I don't want one to prove anything to me.

I tiptoed to his room to see what was going on. I stopped by the door just in time to see Brennan reaching from his crib and trying to shut the door back. He had opened it himself! He saw me and opened the door back up and said 'hi!' (or what sounded like it!)

What a stinker!
This afternoon, we had some awesome friends come over. The youngest just turned a year and the oldest boy shares a birthday with me! He just turned three.

Brennan was moving so was hard to get a picture!
Brennan thinks these boys are awesome. He had so much fun and was absolutely worn out after they left!
We went to meet Jared at work and take him so dinner so we could do paperwork. Jared instead surprised me with a date night! (We were having taco leftovers so I was TOTALLY okay with it!)
We went out for thai and I tried my first 'bubble tea'.

 Looks disgusting but tastes pretty great! Jared says you have to make sure to get the right flavor...otherwise it tastes like pants.
I am glad Jared is adventurous and wants to try things so that I can try tastes of them and not waste a whole lot of something.

My friend 'til the end is being induced with her little girl tonight/early morning! Love you Bethany and i cannot wait to see pictures of Kinsley Anne! 

As a side note, we snuggled up in bed to watch a movie and little mister fell asleep with creepy open cross eyes. Here is one for blackmail in the future!!

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