Tuesday, July 30, 2013

chewin' the fat

I am not at all certain where the expression 'chewin' the fat' comes from. However, I am 100% certain that it could have been describing the experience of eating tofu for the first time.

Jared, Brennan and I went out on a family night tonight. Jared got off work early and took us to see Monsters University.
 Brennan enjoyed it even though he looks terrified...this was during the previews.
 and this was after the movie. He really did watch most of it and liked it.

We had decided that we were going to go out for sushi and Jared had been wanting to try a restaurant called Hana Mizu Ki that is on the Square in Palmy. We looked up the menu to make sure they had good stuff and Jared was pumped to see that they had Sukiyaki. The only yaki friend I have is Teri...I'm a chicken when it comes to trying new things sometimes. Naturally, I got the chicken teriyaki sushi. See what I did there. :)
 Sukiyaki is a Japanese hotpot. You can't see it under the middle pot but there is a flame and the liquid is boiling. It doesn't stop boiling for the whole meal, which is nice if you like burned tongue taste. It comes with tofu, cabbage and other veggies cooking in the broth. On the side, you get raw beef which you put in the stew to cook. You also get a raw egg...which you can boil or simply use as a dipping sauce. I reached into the pot with my chopsticks and grabbed a piece of tofu. Nothing against you if you eat it. In fact, you deserve a medal. The texture was not my favorite.
 We took time to get some dessert and we happened to be close to Cafe Cuba so Jared chose to go there. We didn't get anything too heavy (haha), just a slice of rhubarb and apple shortbread to share. It was great but the best part was watching Brennan play with the tiger. This tiger has been there as long as Jared can remember...Brennan loved it!

On our way back to the car to head to church, we saw that someone had knitted this tree a lovely scarf.

There is a local group that knits random things and places them all over town. Once they made a pair of shorts for a rugby statue. Have I mentioned that I love this place?!

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