Saturday, July 6, 2013

breakfast with fire eaters

Today we knew was going to be busy. So we slept later (as in Jared took Brennan and let me sleep in!) and then got up and went to brunch in town.

There is a cafe here that Jared likes called Trio. I like it too and he was nice enough to share it with us today!

On the same street as Trio, they were having a Art on the Edge day. It's basically where the artists come and show off their talent. Some play music...

Some paint graffiti...

Some freeze in positions and lie on the ground... (this was the weirdest thing at the event)

Some look extremely scary on stilts...

and some eat fire....
yep...he ate it.

As we were meandering through the street and people, we came across a store called Humbug.
It is a 'sweets shop' that sells all kinds of new and old school candy. Everything is in big glass jars and the walls are completely lined with shelves that are chock full. The purpose of this place is to...

isn't that awesome?! They were super cool with me taking photos. I told them I wanted to mention them in my blog. They got excited because I think they thought my blog may have a bit more readership than it actually does. I explained it was simply for me and my friends and family but they were still happy to let me take some photos.

We dropped Jared off at home so that he could run some errands while we went to Brennan's first friend birthday party. It was great. Happy Birthday Jack!

After the party, we went to get grandma and take her to the grocery store. As we were checking out, it came an absolute downpour and I looked like a wet dog...but my groceries were saved.

I had bought an ottoman that turns into a sofa bed on a site here called TradeMe. They wanted it picked up today of all days in the POURING rain. but...we are awesome so it was no problem. I'm excited about it because it will give us two guest rooms [technically].

Which translates into...COME VISIT!!

on a side note...Brennan slept the whole night in his bed and in his room.
and I slept on the floor. Which is beside the point. Good news is that he is in there alone tonight and doing well so far!

1 comment:

  1. I know this was a long time ago, but yay!!! We moved Wren to her own room back in July and she has done AWESOME with it!!
