Wednesday, July 24, 2013

decisions decisions

Today, I was that lady.
Ya know...the one in the store with a calculator and a pen writing down the price of every little thing and weighing her produce.

See...Jared and I have set some goals.
Big ones.
Exciting ones!
Ones that involve adventure and accomplishment!

We decided in order to be successful with these goals, we need to make ourselves hurt a bit budget wise.

Which brings me to the moment when I had to decide between buying paper towels and glad bags.

Normally, I would throw both in the cart and not have a second thought about it. I had $20 in my 'cleaning and toiletries' fund for the week. That is quite a lot but I needed to buy deodorant out of that and it is $15.30. Yes...I know. Insert budget crisis here.

This was my first week really resolving to stick to the budget and not go over by any means!
So I stood there in the aisle tapping away on my calculator and somehow thinking that would change the price of these items.

I thought 'Well...I will just use dish towels for everything! Genius!'
Then I thought about anything and everything gross that I might have to clean up plus all the extra laundry.

Glad bags went back on the shelf.
Hey, at least I didn't splurge on red bananas!
and your daily pic of Brennan...
this is right after his bath and about 5 minutes before he fell asleep.
love him!

1 comment:

  1. I have never had red bananas, what do they taste like?

    Good on you for sticking to your budget :)
