Sunday, October 13, 2013


I thought I mentioned in a previous post about going to check in with Ms. Marie. I can't find it so I will tell you that she said she has been watching those who walk by her house in hopes that it would be Brennan and I. I thought that was super sweet and let's me know that I am not imposing on her too much by forcing her to be my friend! Haha.

We went by last Wednesday to have afternoon tea with her. Brennan had just woken up from a nap so he was ready to play. He investigated every corner of her house. This isn't a terrible problem because he knows that he isn't to touch certain things and typically listens when I say no. He didn't touch her china cabinet, her purse, her plants or anything too dangerous but what did he head straight for?!...her ALMOST completed 1000 piece puzzle.

She wanted me to help her with the harder bits of trees and bricks. These just happen to be all of the pieces that look exactly the same. I am not a good puzzle putter togetherer. She said I had to at least add a piece before I left. She even made the repairman that came earlier add a piece before his job was complete. See why I like her?

Well, as we sat and discussed the puzzle and her recent trip to see Phantom of the Opera, Brennan honed in on the puzzle board.

It's one of those moments that goes slow motion. She had divided all of the different colors onto small pieces of cardboard that were hanging off of the edge of the table. I won't say more except to say that I must've momentarily had the reflexes of a cat.

After fitting in a few more than my initially promised piece, we had some tea. She bakes all sorts of wonderful things and sets out plate after plate. Brennan likes to try it all of course! When he bit into one of the muffins, he spat it out on to the floor. Not sure what his problem with it was, but he hasn't done that before or since. Luckily, it was quite discreet so I could distract from the fact that he didn't like that particular item. I loved them all and felt like I had earned it after the puzzling brain workout.
Little man is getting some more teeth. He also must be growing as he eats everything in sight and took a four hour nap yesterday before he ate and went straight back to bed for the night. This is what worn out looks like!

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