Monday, September 23, 2013

chicka boom boom.

It is amazing how God can bring two people together.
Normally, I would be talking about the amazing journey that Jared and I went through to find each other. It would be complete with mushy details, dates, events that changed our course...etc.

But I am not talking about that.

I am talking about two girls.

She was raised in Henderson and I in Crossville. Same state but worlds apart really.

We went to college together. We weren't more than acquaintances, but she was friends with my suite mate. She's said that she thought I might be a little weird because I studied all the time. {for your knowledge she must have known me during my single semester of accounting because that is unfortunately the one and only time I studied in college.}

We went on separate mission trips to the same place.

We fell in love with kiwi boys,

and thanks to God, we spent the last week sharing our homes, lives and kids.

It is cool to come to a place so far from where I grew up and have someone that knows the people in my stories. She can laugh when we reminisce about pranks that were pulled and gets the excitement of sneaking out. She knows where Shell is and why that even matters.

We are able to raise our kids together and ask silly questions about things that make us nervous.
I can send her random pictures and videos that I know will absolutely make her roll on to the floor in laughter.
God has given me many amazing people and she is one I cherish dearly.
Thanks for sharing your kiddos this week.

Rae Rae (chicka boom boom)

1 comment:

  1. I guess we weren't roommates when you had accounting. Rachel - "I'm going to the library at such and such time, but I'm going to lay in pillow world until then..." 3 hours later, way past such and such time she would arise from her glorious nap. How many times did this happen?!?! Love you!!
