Tuesday, January 31, 2012

trashy ducks

this is random and not what I would consider a highlight event to share however, it found me peeking through the window like an old lady and literally giggling in success.

Have you ever had your trash eaten by a duck? I have. For the first time, today.

When I realized that these foul fowl were messing up my expensive city council trash bags, I promptly went out and placed them on the top of my recycling bin...knowing that ducks can't climb.

I mentioned before how today is trash day. When the recycling people came, they removed said trash bags and I ran to the store and when I came back the blue trash bags STILL had not been picked up. The recycling had been emptied about 1 o'clock and here it is 4:05. What to do?

I decided to keep the front looking neat, I would just bring in the wheelie bin and put the trash
bags in the garage until I could ask Jared what was supposed to happen with it.

5 minutes after I put it in the garage, I hear the trash truck coming down the road.


They look at our house and drive past.

Not to be beaten, I run to the garage...grab my two bags, run with them to the curb. I was going to explain that I had just moved here and wasn't sure when the garbage was picked up. However, seeing they were at the end of the street (which is a dead end) I knew they would have to come back. So I chucked the bags towards the street and ran for dear life with no return glance.

When they pulled back by the house (I saw this because I was old lady peeking out of my front window) they looked at each other like 'how did we miss that?' it was awesome. i jumped with delight. i beat the trash odds. ducks and all.

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