Tuesday, January 31, 2012

rasha rasha rasha

It's February here! haha. weird.

Before Jared came home last night, I realized that my arms were itching terribly. By the time I went to bed, it had spread up my arms, my chest, my face and my ears!!!

I am covered in red and terribly itchy bumps. I thought it may be laundry detergent, but I haven't got it on my legs. Yesterday, I went to water the Ian and Suzanne's garden. They told us that while they were gone, we could use the produce from their garden. I saw some amazing squash and decided to steam it up for dinner. I got some weird juice on my hands but didn't think anything of it. I also got into the plant a little bit but it wasn't anything that wouldn't wash off. lol. or so we thought!

The only thing that I can figure out is that it had to be the squash.

So after navigating my way through the Plaza this morning, I got to the pharmacy. I asked for anti itch cream and got the cheapest I could get. lol. We will see if it works.

I feel kind of proud of myself today. The day after you have a rough day is kind of like that. I went back to all of the places that I got frustrated with yesterday just to prove to myself that it would be alright. There was a bakery I went to yesterday literally 5 minutes after it closed. I went in there today to pick up some cookies for when the O'Donnell kids arrive in a little bit.

Today is trash day.

The trash system here confuses me. They give you huge trash bins (wheelie bins...i love that) for your recyclables, and they make you buy special trash bags that are approved by the city council. One truck picks up one load and another truck picks up another. Oh well. I just hope I put out the right bin on the right day. :)

I am looking for something interesting to do above my fireplace...any ideas?

btw in case you need a chuckle...

Need a Sharpie? We don't have 'em.
Need a Skerple? Got it covered!

Oh Chinese discount stores. gotta love them! have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh you should totally have blog posts dedicated to funny signs and broken English hat you see around. Julianne mccorkle does them on her blog and I did a few while I was in Malaysia. It's way fun!!!
