Wednesday, January 25, 2012

productive unproductiveness

Tuesday morning, I had decided to have a pretty uneventful day. I was going to catch up on laundry, get a few things done over email and skype with my parents. I knew that it was move in day so I was just going to take it easy and enjoy it.

After talking with my mom, I heard Jared's boss calling my name through the house. He was seeing if I needed anything before he went to mow lawns. I said 'I know how to mow lawns!' and his eyes lit up. Bye bye unproductive day.

I mowed two lawns, one being ours while he did the weed whacking. Then he took me up to the practice and I cleaned one of the dental surgeon's rooms so that she can move in soon. The moving help was coming to the house at 3:30 so around 1:30, I decided I should walk to the grocery store and then home so that I would have 1) food 2) time to shower before our help arrived.

I went to get my things from the car and I an needed me to put together 2 rolling chairs for the dental therapist and her assistant. Once I finished that, it was 2:30 and time for me to go to the grocery. I would have just enough time because it is around a mile and a half walk to our new house from Jared's office and I would definitely need to freshen up. Also, I hadn't eaten all day so I needed a moment to do that once I got home.

Leaving the grocery store with four lightish bags, I turned right down Albert street and headed home. When I got about 7 minutes into the walk, the road ended. I went the wrong way down our street. Luckily, I died laughing instead of crying :)

Turning around, I was barely going to make it on time. I hustled home (should have remembered to head TOWARDS the mountain range) , got a shower, at lunch and was ready by 3:30. BOOM!

We had awesome help getting our furniture in and it seems more and more like a home.

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