Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Okay...I am not sure that 'happies' is actually a word. The thought occurred to me as I was writing it on a bag of notes I am taking in my suitcase. This bag has notes from retreats in college, random notes from roommates, cards from best friends on birthdays, Christmases, etc. gone by. I have a whole ziploc bag full so that I can pull out a funny memory or sweet card if I get to missing everybody at home.

The other day I found a list of what makes me happy. I had written it several years ago and it was stuffed into the pages of a book which incidentally...books make me happy. I thought I would write it into here so that everyone can learn one thing about me.

It's not hard to make me happy because it's the little things that matter.

Here's the list I found although I am sure it will grow. (Notice to reader: Husband is not on there, because I wrote this several years ago but feel free to mentally place him at the top of the list)

1. Snow Cream
2. Rain on the roof especially a tin one
3. a freshly sharpened pencil or a good pen
4. a brand new planner (so full of possibilities)
5. New Zealand
6. belly laughter
7. simple quotes
8. flowers with dew
9. forests that you can't see through
10. the smell of the pages of a brand new book
11. hikes and caving
12. open air markets
13. tomatoes straight out of the garden
14. vintage perfume bottles
15. my grandmother's jewelry
16. standing out of a sunroof
17. stirring cake mixes
18. tractors
19. crepe myrtle blooms
20. singing on a hayride
21. white water rafting
22. BLTs
23. the stars on a crystal clear night
24. the saltwater smell before you even see the ocean
25. the book of Psalms

What makes you happy?

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