Sunday, December 4, 2011

Full Circle

Let me tell you, this weekend shaped up to be pretty great. Early last week, I scored tickets to the Freed-Hardeman benefit dinner. I was excited for Jared and I to have a fun date that involved a place that is very nostalgic to me.

We left Friday after work and made it to the dinner part a little late...due to my having to change, locking ourselves out for the second time in one week, etc. We got to eat in the Main Gym and the food was delicious. Brisket and vegetables with an absolutely divine dark chocolate cake. Judge me if you will...I ate the entire thing! We were able to sit with some lovely friends and enjoy laughter, good conversation and (need I repeat?) excellent cuisine.
A little before 7 my handsome husband and I headed over to the auditorium. We were so excited to see none other than BOB NEWHART!

I knew him from the show 'Newhart' which I watched with my parents as a kid. Jared knew him as 'Papa Elf'...

I knew he was funny on the TV show but I really enjoyed his stand up. I laughed out loud several times and surely (i hope) embarrassed those around me!
An extra awesomeness of the show was when we got to hear Dailey and Vincent, a bluegrass band. I have requested their cd for Christmas and I am hoping Santa comes through.

Before they dismissed us from the auditorium, they asked that we pray together. Jared grabbed my hand and I realized in that moment that I had come full circle. Here I was, sitting in Loyd auditorium holding the hand of the man that I love and praying to our God. It's what I always thought about and envisioned for myself. I am glad I got to share a little bit of Freed with him. It meant a lot.

Even though it was 10:30 when we got out, we spoke to friends and then headed over to see Allison, Adam and the girls. Allison is my best (girl) friend in this world. When we arrived, the girls were wearing their Christmas pajamas that Jared and I got for them. Al is always so good at that. She makes sure that you know she is using what you have given her and that she is thankful for it. We have decided that since we will be celebrating Christmas in NZ on their Christmas Eve, our gift to them will be their Christmas pajamas. That way, they get to either open them on the same day as we open gifts, or at least wear them! I am excited about that. Spending time with Allison and Adam is so effortless and fun. Anyone that knows them would say that too. I gave Allison her Christmas present early which was a hand painted sign with four snow men. (Notice, no picture for a reason). I think she liked it.

Saturday we took it easy and then spent the afternoon and evening in Columbia for the wedding of two of our friends. They made a special effort to come to our wedding. I appreciated that so much and couldn't wait to be at theirs. The reception proved to be reunion time and it was just what I needed. College friends that turn into lifetime friends are the best. Jared finally got to taste what a good wedding cake tastes like and it was delish. From there we shared a hilarious dinner with Jim, Kaley and MG.

Today, I went to worship sans husband. He hasn't felt well today and I hope he gets better soon because I don't like seeing him like this. He is good to me though...he isn't like all other women say their husbands are when they get sick. I thought men were supposed to be big babies, but he isn't. He is awesome. That's why I married him. :)

Movie Time...gotta watch Bob as 'Papa Elf' now that we have seen him in person!!

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