Wednesday, September 26, 2012

you're pregnant and you know it...

if your husband takes you on a surprise drive to see the new Wendy's being built.

and you almost cry. 

I wonder if I even need to ask for prayers on Jared's behalf or if by some sort of telepathic vibes...everyone already knows to be praying for him! ha.

The last month, I feel like I have had enough energy to cook dinner and well...that's about it. I was telling a friend of mine that I have enough energy to sort and put in a load of washing, and sit down. Then I hang it out on the line, and need to rest. My slow cooker is getting a workout so that Jared has anything at all to eat and GET THIS...anything that needs grated cheese...I have to sit down to grate it!! Tell me that's normal!

Some days, I feel like doing more! So I get Jared to drop me off at the grocery store on his way to work, then I shop and walk home. Those days are awesome. Mostly the whole walk home though I think...what if my water broke right now? What would that construction guy think?!

Here we are almost at the end of this part of the journey and some days I forget I am pregnant. I was walking home the other day and a construction worker smiled and said 'When are you due?' I was SHOCKED! and then I remembered...I actually am pregnant. I guess it is an ingrained fear that every woman has at some point in her life of people asking you when you are due and you aren't pregnant.

We have had an awesome baby shower here thrown by my amazing friend Adeline. People came from all over and I was so honored that they already love our baby that much! If you haven't seen pictures...This is a group shot.
How awesome is that?! These ladies are great.We have almost everything that we need for Baby Kyle. I can't wait to tell you his name! We are waiting until he is born to just a few more weeks.

This little dude moves all the time. It is awesomeness magnified. Even at three a.m. when I turn over and he kicks me...I smile.

Speaking of sleep, a lot of moms I have talked to say that they have a hard time sleeping...not I!

I do have vivid dreams though. For example, I woke up one morning and Jared said 'Did you sleep well?' I replied with 'Yes, I'll have the crispy fried shrimp!' I thought i was ordering at Long John Silvers. haha.

These dreams are sometimes so real I don't know if I am supposed to be angry about them or not. I woke up the other day CONVINCED Jared had eaten my hairbrush. I couldn't decide how he did it and if I was supposed to be mad about it or not. He is having sympathy dreams too...Last night he woke up and said 'WITNESS PROTECTION!' and then fell soundly back to sleep.

When I asked him super seriously if he ate my hairbrush...he said 'Yes. Yes I did. Are you joking?!' Then I figured out it was just a dream. :)

At 34 weeks, Jared has sailed through this pregnancy. He has been such a good friend, husband, listener and laugh provider. He is so excited to see the baby move and to meet his little mountain biking buddy.

I am going to try to write smaller updates more often. Especially when the baby gets here. I think I might be a picture overloader but I probably won't apologize. :) 6 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. I loved this and laughed out loud several times!!!! I miss you tons!!!! Can we please have a skype date SOOOOONNNN!!!!
