Interestingly enough for the past few weeks, the weather in New Zealand has been quite pleasant. There are plenty of sun shiny days and there are very few days where I hang the laundry on the line and immediately it begins to rain.
Picture it...34 weeks pregnant running through the rain with a laundry basket to grab a bajillion items that I just hung up, while our resident ducks Mork and Mindy (not sure if I have told you about naming them) watch and smirk at me as I run. One day I am sure that I will learn how short these rain bursts are and just leave my clothes to dry afterward. They kind of smell funny if I do that though.
ANYWAY...believe it or not this post is not about weather.
For the past few months, I have thought the expression 'when it rains it pours' to myself many times. I have had to deal with frustrating situations, culture shock, pregnancy hormones, you get the idea. I am sure that you know the feeling...its almost as if once one thing starts going sideways, everything else follows suit. Now I am not going to pretend that pregnancy hormones did not aid in my feelings...because WHOA they have. Jared has invented the name 'RACHEL SMASH!' For the times when I just lose it...these moments typically end in laughter but I can't stand the way it feels to be so emo all the live long day!
I don't like feeling overwhelmed by situations of life and I know
that when I am closer to God, I am better able to handle any thing that comes my way.
How would He want me to look at these things in my life that seem to be
pouring down? and then it came to me...
Instead of 'when it rains it pours' I need to look at my life and ask 'Who reigns when it pours?'
question doesn't eliminate the events that cause stress and anxiety,
but it does change the perspective that I have when dealing with
I think about Job. He knew who reigned when his troubles were pouring down.
I can't seem to recall a time in my life when my family was killed, my
possessions destroyed and my skin was covered in boils. Jared hasn't
come home from work and told me to curse God because of what has been
going on. Job's faith in who God is and what He is capable of, far
outweighed anything that could overcome or overwhelm him.
What about Daniel? Who reigned when troubles poured on him?
I haven't spent the night in a lion's den because of a choice I made to follow God even though the government forbade it. Daniel did. He knew that God would protect him but he also still had to spend the night with the lions. His relationship with God was such that He had proven himself over and over. Daniel's trust in God was evident in how he handled his day to day decisions.
These Bible characters are awesome representations of how it should be in our lives. God reigns when it pours! We need Him to help us through and without just keeps on raining.
Maybe Peter is more my type though. Who reigned when Peter's troubles started their landslide?
I haven't had my close friend come to me and tell me he is going to die,
I haven't gotten so angry that I cut off someone's ear and I haven't
been told by my friend that I will disown him to save myself. I haven't
had my friend come back from the dead and ask me if I love Him with self-sacrificing love,
only to be able to feebly tell him that I like him.
Peter wasn't sure who reigned when troubles were pouring into his life. He felt that he knew himself better and was strong enough to claim Jesus, even after he was warned that he would deny Him. He couldn't control his anger at the things that were happening around him which lead to a slicing and dicing for poor old Malchus. He felt that of anyone, he would be the strong one who would stand up and be strong for Christ. That was his whole issue...he trusted in himself. He reigned when it poured...and his rainboots just didn't cut it.
Any struggles I have endured could only be considered laughable in the light of what these guys went through. However, the principle is the same. If I look at any issue in my life through 'Who reigns when it pours?' I can see that it's not me and it doesn't need to be me.
When God reigns in my life, He will be there when it is pouring and on the sunniest of sunny days.
And that is all I need to know.